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We Have Answers.

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It’s easy! Just complete our simple online offer request form (takes just minutes) and we’ll send you an estimated express all cash offer within minutes, as well as other selling options that may work for you.

Fast! You’ll get an estimated express offer within minutes after we receive your request. If you proceed with an inspection, we’ll provide a final offer within 24 hours of that inspection. Either way, we start working on your offer immediately, so you won’t be waiting long to get it.

Yes. Our offers usually expire seven (7) days from the date of the offer. You’ll receive an email, though, when it does with an option to request an updated offer. Just click on the “Renew” button and we’ll freshen it up for you right away. Please note as home prices frequently change based upon market activity, competition and other factors, our renewed offer may be the same, higher, or lower than the original one. (For those same reasons, in very rare instances, we may not be able to renew an offer.)

We’re currently buying homes in over 1,700 cities and towns in metro areas across the country. Visit our Locations and Buy pages to see if we’re buying (and selling!) in your area. 😊

We buy:

  • Single-family residential homes
  • Condos
  • Townhomes
  • Homes in gated communities
  • Homes in age-restricted communities (our maximum purchase price is typically $350,000)

Yes. We do not buy:

  • Homes outside of our service areas.
  • Manufactured, prefabricated, or mobile homes.
  • Homes that are not vacant as of the closing date (or after an extended stay, if applicable). No leasebacks after closing are permitted.

Also, we typically will not buy:

  • Homes built before 1950.
  • Homes on lots larger than 1 acre.
  • Homes valued at more than $1 million (depending upon market).
  • Homes with significant foundational, structural, or other condition issues.
  • Homes where the seller does not have clear ownership (no double escrow).

Even if we can’t buy your home for cash, we can still help you sell when you list with Offerpad!

Yes! You don’t need an agent to sell your home to us but if you’re already working with one, or your home is currently listed on the market, we’ll work directly with your agent to buy it. Just have them submit a request for a cash offer on your behalf, or include your agent’s contact information when you request an offer, and we’ll take it from there.

Yes. We get that few homeowners can pay for two homes at once, so we can help you time the purchase of a new one with the sale of your existing home to Offerpad with back-to-back transactions. (Feel the stress starting to melt away already?) Just talk with one of our Solutions Advisors for more info.

Absolutely! Home improvements and renovations are an important consideration when putting together our cash offers, so let us know what you’ve done.

That’s up to you. 😊 When you sell your home to us, you have the freedom to pick your own closing date – typically up to 60 days after accepting our offer. (If you need a closing date beyond 60 days, we may be able to work with you on a case-by-case basis.) Need to close quick? Below are the minimum timeframes to close by state:

  • Alabama
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Arizona
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Colorado
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Florida
    All homes: 15 business days
  • Georgia
    All homes: 15 business days
  • Illinois
    All homes: 14 business days
  • Indiana
    All homes: 14 business days
  • Kansas
    All homes: 14 business days
  • Missouri
    All homes: 15 business days
  • Nevada
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • North Carolina
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Ohio
    All homes: 15 business days
  • South Carolina
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Tennessee
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days
  • Texas
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

Please note:
For Texas markets: If the seller is not able to provide a property survey, please add 7-10 business days.
For Florida markets: For properties in HOAs that require association approval for sale, approval can take up to 30 days in some instances.

For all markets: If you need a closing date within 15 days, you must make your home available for our inspection within the first three (3) days of signing your sales contract.

We get it ready to put on the open market so a new buyer has the chance to find their forever home! We take on the work, costs, risks and hassles you just saved yourself from associated with selling it. Like all the paperwork, open houses, negotiating with agents and buyers, appraisals, buyer concessions, worrying about buyer financing falling through and paying holding costs, taxes, agent commissions, utilities, association dues and other costs until it’s sold.

Depending upon the home’s condition, we typically make some updates, too, such as upgrading appliances, countertops and new paint, flooring and lighting. See how selling to Offerpad instead is so much easier? 😉

Yes. The security of your information throughout the entire process is part of our promise of ensuring you have the best home selling and buying experience possible with Offerpad. Offerpad, LLC does not collect or store any sensitive information, or sell or share your information. All documents are signed using the convenience of leading electronic signature provider, HelloSign. (Learn more here at

For more information, please view our privacy policy.


Based on the information you provide in your offer request, our team of real human real estate experts put their specialized local knowledge of your market to work. We combine that with our proprietary and other industry-leading evaluation and predictive market analysis technologies to carefully evaluate your home to give you a competitive, data-driven offer.

While we’re very confident our offer price is competitive and fair, if you feel we’ve missed something about your home that would affect it, let us know! Feel free to contact your Offerpad Solutions Advisor and we’ll be happy to re-evaluate your home and our offer.

We charge a simple service fee for completing our cash offers, allowing you to skip the hassles and costs of listing your home. (We take all that on for you.) Just as with any traditional home sale, sellers who sell to Offerpad are also responsible for certain closing costs. These may include title insurance, escrow fees, HOA transfer fees, taxes, document transfers and other customary fees. Such fees differ based on your market and can range from 1% to 3% of the purchase price we pay for your home. Based upon our inspection of your home, sellers may also be responsible for paying for any needed repairs.

While the offer we make on your home is not intended to be an appraisal of any kind, it is a real and actionable offer, based on careful analysis by our team of local real estate experts and use of our proprietary predictive evaluation technology. We take the time to consider your home’s unique features and condition in the context of market inventory and future supply.

That’s the Offerpad difference.

On the other hand, the home values found on sites like Zillow, Trulia and Redfin are determined by their individual computer-generated algorithms. Those values are limited by the data available to them through public records. They look at the market’s history, not where it’s going.

With Offerpad, you choose your best way to sell. Want an all-cash, no-hassle cash offer? You got it. Or you can list the easy way – with us! Compare the benefits of both:

Offerpad Cash Offer

  • No showings or open houses
  • Pick your closing date
  • Stay up to 3 days after closing
  • Free local move*

*Restrictions apply

List with Offerpad

  • Free home cleaning, yardwork, pool services & more to get your home ‘buy me!’ ready*
  • Home improvement advances for updates like new countertops, flooring & more
  • Local Offerpad real estate agents who know your city at a neighborhood level*Services selected by Brokerage and may be limited by market availability

View our comparison of a cash sale and listing with us at

Accepting our offer

That’s easy. If our offer works for you, we send you a purchase agreement to sign electronically:

  • Check your inbox for an email from HelloSign.
  • Open the agreement and click on the orange ‘Next, Review Agreement” button.
  • To start signing, select your name from the list of signers and click the ‘Get Started’ button.*
  • Click the button at the bottom of the page next to ‘Seller’s Initials’ where it says ‘Click to’ which allows you to draw or type your signature and initials.
  • Click ‘Next’ and initial or sign each box as prompted.
  • Once you have completed all the required fields click ‘Continue’ and the ‘I Agree’ button to finish.

You’ll also receive a phone call or text from your Success Manager within 24 hours to help step you through your offer and signing your agreement. Once we, you (and any other sellers) have signed the agreement, we’re officially under contract and you’re on your way to sold!

Any questions? Just call 1-844-388-4539.

*Important note: If there is more than one signer with separate email addresses, each person will receive their own email. If signers are using the same email, please repeat steps 5-9 for each seller.

See how to sign your contract.

No problem. You can pick your own closing date up to 90 days from when you accept our offer; just choose a date closest to when you think you’ll be ready to close. Once you decide for sure, let us know and we’ll send you an addendum to adjust the final closing date.

Home Inspection

We perform a free, on-site inspection of your home within 15 days after you sign our purchase agreement to verify the specifications (lot size, square footage, etc.) and condition of your home, and to identify any repairs that may need to be addressed before closing.

Either an Offerpad team member or licensed property inspector (or both) will be there to inspect your home. We also partner with licensed contractors, if needed, for additional expertise, and work with you to coordinate scheduling all property inspections.

We’ll need access to your entire home during our inspection. We’ll give you a guide when we schedule the inspection with an overview of the most common items we look at to help you prepare.

If our inspection reveals needed repairs, you have the following options:

  • Provide us with a credit for the repairs. This means no money out of pocket for you. Just sign an addendum to your sales contract for the credit, and we’ll have all the repairs done for you and adjust our sales price accordingly. (Tip: This is our most popular, no-hassle option if repairs are needed.)
  • Make the repairs before closing. We provide you with a list of the required repairs and you hire a licensed contractor to complete them to current building codes before closing. We’ll also require proof of the work being done, your contractor’s name and license number, before and after pictures, and receipts. We’ll then do a visual inspection and approval of the repairs during the final walk-through.
  • Decline to make any requested repairs or issue a credit. If you don’t want to make any repairs or give us a credit to make them, as the buyer, Offerpad can cancel our contract or decide if we still want to purchase your home. If we cancel the contract, there is no penalty to either you or us. (Keep in mind, though, these repairs will most likely have to be addressed regardless if you sell to us or you decide to list your home. A traditional buyer will typically want these same issues fixed or credited before they agree to purchase your home.)

In some circumstances, the repairs needed may be significant and require substantial funds to complete or special expertise to manage. In these cases, we will offer the option of a credit only.

We typically perform our final walk-through of the home after you’ve moved out. We do a walk-through to confirm that all of your personal property and any trash has been removed, and that the home’s condition hasn’t changed since we went under contract.

For closing to occur as scheduled, the property must transfer to Offerpad in the same condition as it was when we entered into our contract, including landscaping and pool maintenance. If repairs were needed to close and you had a licensed contractor make them, our representative will confirm that they were made during our final walk-through.


That’s up to you. 😊 When you sell your home to us, you have the freedom to pick your own closing date – typically up to 90 days after accepting our offer. (If you need a closing date beyond 90 days, we may be able to work with you on a case-by-case basis.) Need to close quick? Below are the minimum timeframes to close by state:

Below are the minimum timeframes to close by state:

  • Arizona
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Alabama
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Colorado
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Florida
    All homes: 15 business days

  • North Carolina/South Carolina
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Georgia
    All homes: 15 business days

  • Nevada
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Tennessee
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

  • Texas
    Homes with no HOA: 8 business days
    Homes in an HOA: 11 business days

Please note:
For Texas markets: If the seller is not able to provide a property survey, please add 7-10 business days.
For Florida markets: For properties in HOAs that require association approval for sale, approval can take up to 30 days in some instances.
For all markets: If you need a closing date within 15 days, you must make your home available for our inspection within the first three (3) days of signing your sales contract.

Yes. We can adjust your closing date at any point throughout the selling process, as long as it is still within the 90 days after you’ve signed the sales contract. (If you need a closing date beyond 90 days, we may be able to work with you on a case-by-case basis, such as if you need a specific date to work with the purchase of a new home.) If you need to change it, let your Success Manager know and we’ll send you an addendum to our sales contract.

First American Title

Statewide Title Services, Inc.

First American Title

First American Title

Hankin & Pack, LLC

First American Title

Touchstone Title Services

North Carolina/South Carolina
Hankin & Pack, LLC

First American Title

First American Title

Foundation Title & Escrow

Endpoint Title Services

The above companies ensure title is legitimate and then issue title insurance for the property. In addition, they maintain the escrow account for the sale of your home and handle the earnest money deposit from Offerpad, payoffs to mortgage companies, HOA dues and any other transaction funds.

Yes! With our Extended Stay Program, feel free to stay in your home for up to three (3) days after closing to avoid the rush and hassle of closing and moving on the same day. No extra charge! Just sign an Extended Stay agreement, give us a refundable security deposit, and you’re (back) in. Click here for details.

The title company or attorney office handling your sale will send the final payoff payment to your lender. The remaining funds (less closing costs) will be wired to your bank account.

On the closing date (also referred to as the close of escrow) you chose. The title company or attorney’s office handling your sale will schedule a convenient time for you to sign the closing documents at their office, or you may ask for a mobile notary to come to you.

On your closing date, the sale is recorded on public record and the funds are distributed. The timing of this varies depending upon the state you live in and the time of day you sign your documents.

Curious about the contract signing process? Watch this short video to see what you’ll need to sign – it’s pretty easy! Watch now


With a free local move from Offerpad, you literally have the ability to move freely within any of our service areas! We partner with professional moving companies in your area and pay them directly; all you have to do is pack. Here’s how it works.

Please be aware, too, that the place we move you to must be within 50 miles of the home you’re selling to us. (If your new home is outside of the 50-mile radius, please speak with your Closing Coordinator to learn more about your options.) Home size is limited to 2,800 square feet with a maximum load size of 13,000 pounds. If your home is larger or your possessions exceed the weight limit, you’ll be responsible for the difference in cost and billed directly by the moving company.

Your home must be clear of all personal belongings and trash at least 24 hours prior to closing. Additionally, the property must transfer to Offerpad in the same condition as it was when we entered into contract, including landscaping and pool maintenance. Offerpad will verify the condition of the home prior to closing. If the house is not clear of personal belongings and/or trash, or the property is not in the same condition as when we went under contract, your closing may be delayed.

In general, you’ll need to leave all “fixtures” or immovable items in (and outside) your home. These include built-in furniture and appliances such as, but not limited to, your dishwasher, built-in microwave, stove, oven, cooktops, ice machines, trash compactors, water softeners and built-in refrigerators. You must also leave fixtures such as built-in speakers, ceiling fans and light fixtures, R/O systems, window treatments, central vacuum systems/hoses, pool equipment, built-in BBQs, built-in fire pits, pool fencing, pool cleaning systems and any exterior landscape lighting.

We also need you to leave any keys, remotes, garage door openers and any other items that belong with the home.

This varies from state to state. Please see your Offerpad purchase agreement for appliances you can remove and take from your home and those you need to leave.

Delete your request

You will lose the progress already made on your request.

Offerpad Homebuilder Services
Thanks for your interest in partnering with us! Complete the information requested below and an Offerpad Homebuilder Services representative will be in touch!